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 Zones élites NF

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3 participants
Saskia With Love
Maitresse Ponette
Saskia With Love

Nombre de messages : 466
Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2006

Zones élites NF Empty
MessageSujet: Zones élites NF   Zones élites NF Icon_minitimeLun 6 Nov - 20:49

Citation :
Gaile Grey said:

"Hey, there,

Here's another update from the Dev Team on two questions that have been asked a bit over the last few days.

First of all, some of you have asked about Sunspear ranks. Specifically, you have asked if it is yet possible to attain the highest Sunspear and Lightbringer ranks. In fact, there is a way to attain such ranks – creative gamers will often find even the circuitous paths – but the means being used by a few isn’t the primary way that players will achieve those ranks. Let’s just say, the path to those ranks will be much more direct and open in the future.

Others have inquired about a Nightfall Elite Mission. At this time, there is no such mission. You see, now that we have released Nightfall, the team is right back into “design mode” with the objective of creating cool new expanded content that will be provided through our first major update to the game. (Yes, you doubters – a free update. ) Now, I’m not taking a “Sorrow’s Furnace” size update – with the development schedule we’ve on, that wouldn’t be realistic. But we know that players love new content, and that you relish the way that it refreshes and reinvigorates the game and furnishes new challenges. And the dev team is on board to offer it!

Some Guild Wars updates are things you are already familiar with. For instance, large-scale holiday events? Well, I saw you there last weekend and I know you loved it. And yes, you might cleverly predict future events of that type because you can pause to consider the very name of our current competitive season.

Some Guild Wars updates are of things you can predict, such as the ability to attain higher ranks and get elite mission access, both of which were, I believe, foreshadowed in The Manuscripts for Nightfall. What cooler way to build long-distance goals than to see the addition of new options and new tests and trials for your characters?

And, I’m happy to tell you, some planned Guild Wars updates include content and features that, frankly, you really don’t have a clue about yet, ‘cause we’re not talkin’. Some things the dev team has on the books for the not-too-distant future will present significant expansions of Nightfall content in the form of new missions, new gameplay options, and popular features, as well.

Timeline? Well, maybe there will be something under your Christmas tree wrapped in ones and zeros: Codified Christmas gift, anyone? Seriously, it would be more accurate to say we’ll have the update ready “in the next few months,” to allow the team flexibility to take a bit more time if that means adding even more cool new content and features.

So, I hope this information is helpful, and we'll have more to share soon."

Source : http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/...188&postcount=1

Elle explique pour les non anglophiles qu´il n´existe pas de zone Elite pour l´instant dans NF, et une limite qui déjà à été dépassée pour les récompenses, mais qui n´était pas prévue par les concepteurs.

En conséquence un update, style fournaise des lamentation (en plus petit) aura lieu "prochainement", et ceci sera bien entendu GRATUIT ou il y aura une zone Elite et un assouplissement des récompenses de lanciers du Soleil.

Accesoirement pour le "Noel Event", comme d´hab, wait and See.

Source: Monde persistant
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Nombre de messages : 162
Age : 32
Localisation : Amiens of Course
Date d'inscription : 18/10/2006

Zones élites NF Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Zones élites NF   Zones élites NF Icon_minitimeLun 6 Nov - 21:19

merci pour l'info Saskia Very Happy
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Nombre de messages : 278
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2007

Zones élites NF Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Zones élites NF   Zones élites NF Icon_minitimeJeu 4 Jan - 0:59

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